Tuesday, August 9, 2011


There is a playstation game called the Katamari Damaci which translates some what to "clumped Spirit". The plot of the game is that there is a prince whose mission is to rebuild the stars, moon, and galaxies, that his father, the king of all cosmos, had accidentally destroyed. He goes about his mission by rolling a Katamari, a magical and higly adhesive ball around. The game starts out with the Katamari picking up small objects such as thumbtacks and small animals, but eventually being able to absorb cows and even whole mountains. Sequels for this game include, We Love Katamari, Me & My Katamari, Beautiful Katamari, I Love Katamari, and Katamari Forever. Naturally, this game is Japanese. The point I am getting to is that the Katamari theme is a concentration more than anything and just like any other artist, Keita Takashi, the game’s creator, lists influences ranging from Pablo Picasso and Joan Miro to Playmobil. The point being, concentrations don’t need to be standard, they can be of your own invention if that works for you.

1 comment:

  1. Did you know that 'katamari' means 'doll' in Newari?

    Cool idea for a concentration - Japanese people are pretty cool...

