Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sapam: Concentration work 2

- It is a rock resembling a whale, with a knight, a tree, fire and smoke on top it. The fire resembles the water that whales pump out from their backs. The tree resembles a fin, up to a certain degree.
The source of calmness within this desolate setting where the background is blank comes form the smoke. The smoke shows the the man things he wants to see to get through the night or his journey. The smoke is provided by the rock, whose face emanates a sense of calmness.

Despite the desolate surrounding, which simply consists of water, and a blank sky, there are other rocks harboring other travelers similar to the knight too. These other rocks are seen as two specks in the background.


  1. I really enjoyed looking at your artworks! They are quite interesting and "queer" so to say! I really like the first artwork with the whale. I like how you used black and white; I feel that that could add to your concentration of calmness, just the idea of simplicity. Your first image could serve as an optical illusion as well. I spent a long time reading-re-reading and looking at your artwork to truely understand it! It is detailed and fun to look at! Definiftely cool!

  2. your stlye of art really intrigues me as it seems very original and free flowing. i like the black and white effect. very detailed and at first hard to understand (which i like very much makes you think). you could however emphasize on making it a bit darker. overall, love it

  3. In this drawing I really liked the clean and bold use of the lines. Besides, the work had overall somewhat rounded and smooth edges and feeling, conveying the concentration theme 'calmness'. Also the soft touches and detailed lines in the contrast tended to successfully lead the observer's eyes to the emphasis on the fire in the center, may be to again add on to the concentration theme 'calmness'by suggesting the warmth of fire. However, I personally thought some possible corrections could be made to improve the work. Firstly, the main background seemed a little too empty. Although it could have been on purpose, it causes little dissapointment and sense of tediousness at the back of the mind. Secondly, I thought the contrasts were only focused and portrayed on the center. I got a feeling that the sea, lacking any contrasts kind of stood out by itself separated from other parts. Were it not for those, it could have been much better and impressive piece overall.
