Monday, August 22, 2011

Mental issues: Phobias

“Phobia” by Michael Whelan shows a sort of entrapment and sense of claustrophobia. The last one is an example of arachnophobia by Alexey Andreev which displays the illusions people have in extreme cases of arachnophobia.

These paintings relate to my work in terms of my concentration : Mental issues- Phobias. I especially liked one of them because it had a surrealist feel to it which I love to work with. John ashton golden’s “optophobia” the fear of opening ones eyes;


  1. I really like Alexey Andreev's work. His digital animation works are spectacular and a few of his pieces also focus on futuristic aspects and expectation of the world. I feel his visions are incredibly creative and innovative which is what makes his work more enchanting and captivating.

  2. Nice information. Mental illnesses are medical conditions that disrupt a person's thinking, feeling, mood, ability to relate to others and daily functioning.
