Saturday, August 20, 2011

Tina Malik (Nugget #2)

My Concentration is based on black and white Photography. After researching and looking at different photographers takes on this similar concentration, I have been enjoying looking at colorful yet simply portraits and images. I still enjoy the black and white aspect, but might try adding some color into my concentration. This can be done through different tones, or working with saturation to create the perfect color in my photography. My favorite is the 2nd image where the man is smoking. The white smoke compliments the dark shades of the mans face and it overall captures emotion in the mans faces; something that I would like to hopefully accomplish. Here are just a few images that caught my attention,and relate to the my concentration BLACK & WHITE PHOTOGRAPHY; FACES;

1 comment:

  1. I forgot to add the artists name;
    1. Steve McCurry; (his work/concentration) PORTRAITS
