Sunday, September 18, 2011

Siddharth Gurung

Heather Van Wolf - Bacara

Hariton Pushwagner - Going Home

George Grosz - Metropolis

Maia Cruz Palileo - Carillon Woods (Our House)

Edward Hopper - Nighthawks

Artist Research - Edward Hopper was an American painter and printmaker known for his oil paintings. Hopper was influenced by both international Realism and the American Realistic idiom of the Ashcan school. In addition, he also developed his own style depicting the common features of American life. His paintings showed gas stations, motels, restaurants, railroads etc. Mainly all these oil paintings depicted these aspects. His paintings were also influenced by seascapes and rural landscapes like pure landscapes of rocks, sea, and beach grass; lighthouses and farmhouses; and sailboats. Also he was influenced by urban architecture and cityscapes. He was fascinated with the American urban scene. He is considered an important painter who work is considered genius. He is known as the best-known American realist who has conveyed important themes in these paintings. Robert Hughes said, "His images have become part of the very grain and texture of American experience, and even today, thirty years after his death, it is all but impossible to see America without some refraction through them."His art has influenced the art world and pop culture. He has become a favorite among filmmakers because of his dramatic use of light. Musicians are also inspired by him in many ways.

1. Explain what it is you like about these 5 artworks (elements/common threads).

I like how all the artists has used a little bitt of abstract and little of realism, I also like how the artists have portrayed a basic concept of the modern city life which matches with my concentration. The use of perspective and a limited amount and variety of colours, I also admire the rough effect on some of the pieces.

2. What is it that these elements are expressing?

All of these paintings have a similar theme to it, it expresses the chaos, stress and the disasters that occurs in this busy cities that we live in, the use of dull And dark colours (grey,black, red). It also helps in showing the anger and stress in the artworks.

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